Cellulite, also known as ‘orange peel’ and sometimes erroneously called cellulite, is the indication for a skin with a lumpy structure. Cellulite is seen as a beauty problem in women. And it is not that crazy if you look at all the ultra-tight and smooth (mostly photoshopped) models legs that are shown in magazines.
Cellulite mainly occurs in women
Women, in particular, are confronted with cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. The reason is that in women the adipose tissue is mainly under the skin. And because of hormonal changes, the connective tissue bands in the adipose tissue can swell more or less and make the layer with collagen bands visible. This gives the skin a lumpy appearance and we do not like this. Slim, sleek and smooth is what we want to see.
Unfortunately, this ‘All-must-be-is-ideal of beauty’ is very unrealistic. Especially when you look at the fact that almost all women (around 90%) have to deal with cellulite. Someone more than the other, but almost all of them. So it is no more than normal not to have ultra smooth and tight legs and buttocks.
What causes cellulite?
Contrary to what is often thought, the fat percentage of the body is not the cause of cellulite. An orange peel often occurs as a result of a combination of factors. To a large extent, cellulite has to do with poor blood circulation. The body stores fat, in places where blood circulation is the worst.
That’s why many women have a pound more around the hips, buttocks, and belly. In addition to the accumulation of fat in these places, waste substances and moisture also remain ‘stuck’. You can imagine that a lack of exercise, a sedentary occupation, poor nutrition, aging or hormonal changes do not help.
What can I do myself to prevent or reduce cellulite?
There are many creams and ointments that promise to reduce your cellulite. However, there is little evidence for this. So the best thing you can do to avoid or reduce an orange skin as much as possible is to adjust your lifestyle.
You do this as follows:
- Healthy eating means: lots of fruit and vegetables, drinking lots of water, not too much salt, not too many sugars and (animal) fats and not too many dairy products. And of course do not consume cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
- Sufficient exercise – Try to exercise for at least three hours a week and to move more during daily activities. For example, walk and cycle more often instead of taking the car or public transport. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. These kinds of small things are already helping with a tighter body.
- Cosmetic procedures against stubborn cellulite – Cellulite that originated less than a year ago is easy to remove by adjusting lifestyle. Cellulite that is much longer is harder to remove. This is because in the course of the years a layer of connective tissue has developed around the cellulite. This can be seen as a hard sticky mass that is not easy to remove. In these cases you can go to the plastic surgeon for a solution.
There are a number of treatments for cellulite:
Velasmooth / Velashape
Velasmooth / Velashape
Velashape illustration

A Velasmooth treatment.
The best-known treatments for removing cellulite are Velasmooth and Velashape. Velasmooth is the forerunner of Velashape. Both treatments combine infrared light, bipolar radiofrequency and a connective tissue massager to locally ‘lose weight’. The fat cells shrink and fat, moisture and waste products are drained via the lymph system. In addition, skin elasticity improves because collagen and elastin production is stimulated.
Velasmooth or Velashape treatment takes about half an hour. The beautician massages the skin with the head of the devices in circular movements until it becomes red and warm. Due to the heat, vesicles can appear on the skin. Bruises can also occur if the blood circulation in the skin is not good. Velashape is a lot more expensive per treatment, but fewer sessions are needed for the same result as with Velasmooth. In addition, the advantage of Velashape is that it hurts less.
Velasmooth costs around 650 euros for ten turns and 75 euros for a maintenance treatment. You will have to undergo approximately two treatments for a period of at least 6 to 8 weeks. Velashape costs around 750 euros for six treatments. A maintenance service costs 140 euros.
With endermology, the skin and the underlying tissue are treated. This is done with cylinders that lift the skin and roll it off. This promotes blood circulation and the drainage of moisture. The formation of elastin and collagen is also increased, making the skin smoother, firmer and healthier. During an endermology treatment the client wears a specially designed bodysuit. The head of the appliance slides better over the body and hygiene is guaranteed.
The treatment is completely painless and safe because no surgery is involved and no risks or complications can occur. However, an endothermic treatment must be repeated regularly for a good result (at least five treatments). Approximately ten treatments are required for endermology and it costs about € 50 per treatment.
Mesotherapy is a treatment where active substances are sprayed just under the skin. These substances are a combination of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, mineral salts, coenzymes and nucleic acids. These substances stimulate the skin to renew and rejuvenate. The treatment is by means of an injection gun with a needle. In principle people do not like it very much, but an anesthetic with a cream is possible.
Risks associated with this treatment are bruising, redness, allergic reactions or infections. Mesotherapy requires eight to ten treatments for a good result and costs between 500 and 900 euros.
A lipolysis treatment consists of several small subcutaneous injections in places where there is a build-up of fat. Lipolysis is a good solution for fat removal in areas of the body that are too small to be treated with liposculpture, but where there are stubborn fat deposits that do not disappear easily.
The drug that is injected is a combination of substances with a substance that is in soybeans. Before treatment, the skin will be anesthetized with a cream. Bruises may develop after treatment, and the treated area may feel swollen, red, burning and itchy. To achieve a good result, two to four treatments are required. These costs depend on the places to be treated, between 200 and 400 euros per treatment. Checkout Revitol Cellulite Solution review to find out how you can get rid of cellulite easily.