Category - Skin Care

Perfect Eyelash Care Tips And Home Remedies

Have you always wanted eyelashes such as film actresses, models, and singers? You don’t have to spend a fortune on beauty products. You can get perfect lashes with tricks that you can perform at home and that is...Read More

10 Tips For Beautiful Eyelash Growth

Do you dream of natural long eyelashes with which you can flash seductively? Unfortunately, not every one is blessed with full eyelashes, the length and volume vary per person. Get dizzy long lashes with volume and curl...Read More

Tips & FAQ On Hair Growth Remedies

Baldness is a specter for both men and women. Can you prevent hair loss? We presented these and other questions to hair specialist Dr. E. Plinck of the Outpatient Clinic for Hair and Nail Diseases in Rotterdam. The...Read More

12 Tips For Best Eyelash Extension

Need artificial eyelashes for a sultry glance? Nonsense. Follow these tips and from now on you will flash everyone with your own Bambi eyelashes. 1. Bend the brush Before applying mascara: bend the brush at a 90-degree...Read More

These Are The Natural Remedies For Stretch Marks

Since I started this blog, I get more and more questions from friends and acquaintances. One of the hot topics among my peers is stretch marks. In this article, you can read what I have been able to find out about what...Read More

15 Useful Tips For Acne Care

If you suffer from youth pimples or even acne, it certainly affects your self-confidence. Now there are different treatments on the market, some of them are effective, but most of the wonder drugs just do not work...Read More

7 Tips To Treat Acne Marks

Every body is, of course, different and deserves an individual approach, but for me, the solution was ultimate to remove grains from my diet, it turned out that I had a sensitivity to that, which also loaded my...Read More

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Bum

Cellulite, also known as ‘orange peel’ and sometimes erroneously called cellulite, is the indication for a skin with a lumpy structure. Cellulite is seen as a beauty problem in women. And it is not that...Read More

Vital Home Remedy For Scars

Scarring can severely disfigure your body. That is why there are many ways to reduce or even prevent scarring. Almost everyone has one or more scars. They can be caused by falls, burns, accidents, operations and even...Read More

5 Easy Hair Removal Home Remedies

There are many women (and men) who depilate their pubic area. Women shave their vagina & venus mound or only depilate their bikini line. Men shave their scrotum or the full pubic area. Unfortunately, many people go...Read More

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