7 Tips To Treat Acne Marks

Every body is, of course, different and deserves an individual approach, but for me, the solution was ultimate to remove grains from my diet, it turned out that I had a sensitivity to that, which also loaded my intestines. Ever since I removed grains from my diet, which was otherwise pure and unprocessed, my skin recovered visibly and I never suffered from those nasty subcutaneous inflammations.

Treating and fighting acne in a natural way

A relationship between bowel and skin lungs

If you want to treat acne, it is good to know that everything in the body is connected to each other and that some organs have a close cooperation that you do not expect! This is mainly seen in the intestines, skin, and lungs. These are all three organs that have a barrier function for the body and play a role in the removal of waste products and the purification of the blood. If 1 of these organs is not working properly, it can also affect the other organs. You see this very clearly for example in the relation asthma and eczema, these complaints often occur simultaneously. Do you treat eczema with corticosteroid cream then aggravates asthma and you treat asthma then eczema gets worse.

Especially the intestine and in particular the intestinal wall seems to play a key role. The intestinal wall must be partially permeable to absorb nutrients from the intestine into the blood. However, the gut should certainly not be too permeable, because then large, undigested molecules can end up in the blood. The immune system responds immediately and then creates an inflammatory reaction that is also noticeable elsewhere in the body, such as on the skin. Leaky gut you call that. There are many different factors that determine the permeability of the intestinal wall, as much research is now being done.

The immune system responds immediately and then creates an inflammatory reaction that is also noticeable elsewhere in the body, such as on the skin. Leaky gut you call that. There are many different factors that determine the permeability of the intestinal wall, as much research is now being done. The immune system responds immediately and then creates an inflammatory reaction that is also noticeable elsewhere in the body, such as on the skin. Leaky gut you call that.

There are many different factors that determine the permeability of the intestinal wall, as much research is now being done.Stress has a negative effect on the skin, also a disturbed intestinal flora has an effect on the intestinal wall because good intestinal bacteria produce all kinds of nutrients for the intestinal cells. Some nutrients can also irritate the intestinal wall such as gluten and lectins. They occur in beans and legumes. But also certain medicines and antibiotics have an impact on the quality of the intestinal mucosa. So if you want to tackle skin problems and fight acne, then it is very good to take that relationship between the intestines, skin, and lungs into account.

Tip 1: Acne and good nutrition: do a cure week

Pure and unprocessed food not only has an effect on your skin, your whole body benefits from it. Avoid junk food, white flour products, biscuits and sweets and all foods with a label with a long list of ingredients. Instead, choose fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, organic meat and dairy products, fish and (gluten-free) whole grains. The spring cure of A.Vogel is a good example of how unprocessed food can look like. Here you will find all recipes and information about the last 2 courses! Just do a spa week in between!

Tip 2: What are your sensitivities?

Do you suffer from acne or eczema then it makes sense to investigate whether there are hypersensitivities that irritate your intestinal mucosa and make your intestine increased permeability? A natural nutrition dietitian or orthomolecular therapist can help you with this. Sometimes you can easily find out on which foods you react by looking at your body and the symptoms. A nutrition diary in which you write exactly what you eat and drink, plus the condition of your skin, often gives a lot of insight. With me it was the grains, what is it for you?

Tip 3: Think of your fats

Every cell in our body has a membrane that is made up of different fatty acids. Our skin cells also have such a membrane, that is why the use of correct fats in your diet can affect your skin positively.

  • Eat 2 to 3 times a week fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel or sardines or supplement your diet with fish oil supplements.
  • Eat a handful of unroasted, unsalted nuts daily such as; walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts and so on.
  • Avocados are also full of good fats, you can eat 1 every day.
  • Sprinkle pumpkin seeds and/or sunflower seeds over your salad.
  • Use for baking and roasting coconut oil, ghee, or butter and for your salad olive oil or pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil and so on.
  • You can better avoid all margarine and backbiters. These are chemically processed and very difficult to digest for the body.
  • If you do not have any hypersensitivity to dairy products, the saturated fats from dairy are not a problem but do opt for organic (sour dairy products).
  • A supplement with evening primrose oil can be used for extremely dry skin that goes towards eczema.

Tip 4: Antioxidants: eat a lot of colors!

Antioxidants are found in all brightly colored fruits and vegetables, they protect your organs and skin and prevent harmful (free radical) particles from damaging the DNA. Especially forest fruit is very rich in antioxidants. Take some blueberries, raspberries, or cherries daily and alternate this with other fruit such as pomegranate, pears, apples, bananas and so on. Do not eat too large quantities of fruit, because although tasty and healthy, fruit also contains sugar, which can have a negative effect on your skin if there is too much.

Tip 5: Also provide green feed

The green color of vegetables and plants is caused by chlorophyll. This compound looks like hemoglobin in composition, which carries oxygen in our blood. Sufficient chlorophyll in the diet can greatly improve the appearance of your skin. Because it helps to keep the blood clean. Furthermore, all green vegetables are rich in minerals that are indispensable for beautiful skin. All green leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll: spinach, rocket, endive, turnip greens and so on. And the richest sources are the seaweeds spirulina and chlorella. Try to add a quantity of green with each meal. Put leafy vegetables in your smoothie, eat a salad for lunch and load your plate full of vegetables in the evening. If necessary, supplement with spirulina or chlorella.

Tip 6: Stay away!

However difficult, stay away from your skin! Your hands are full of bacteria that can make the inflammation in your skin worse. Do not try to sit on your face during the day and you have to itch on your face, then wipe the back of your hand, there are fewer bacteria here. Do not sit or pinch, only if a pimple is really ripe you can remove the white tip with clean hands. Do not sit on the rest. By pressing the skin you damage small blood vessels in the skin and you can also cause scarring. Beauticians have a proper and clean technique to remove pimples without causing scars and that brings with it on my next trip.

Tip 7: The right skin care product

Strange but true, with all those years of acne I had never been to a beautician. When I finally did, I found out that I used a lot of fat cream and the cleaner I used was not suitable for my skin. With a tailor-made advice I went out the door and my skin cleared considerably. So look for a good herbal product such as Revitol Acnezine. Read our review for more details.



Jimmy Woodcock

Jimmy Woodcock being a professional health blogger has been writing since 2009 on various health issues and his tips have helped people  fight their ailments the herbal way.

Live The Herbal Life

Jimmy Woodcock being a professional health blogger has been writing since 2009 on various health issues and his tips have helped people  fight their ailments the herbal way.

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